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(Link to the game)

Inspired by the concept of "going home" after a long day,
our goal was to portray the fatigued and dreamlike mood in the setting of a subway train.

As the animator, my main focus was to create character animation for narrative shots and looped gesture animations.

Softwares used:
- Autodesk Maya (Keyframe animation)
- Unity (Overall game development)
- GitHub (Storage, collaborating, merging)

  • Instagram

Narrative Shots

The idea was to maintain the main theme of gloominess all throughout,
but give unique subtext to each narrative shot that would be triggered at different places in the map.

I would character animate in Maya first then bring the animation to Unity and apply it to the default character.

The same animation would be used in several other shots with different camera angles.

The same workflow was applied to numerous sets of narrative shots.

Gesture Animation

Unlike the animations used in narrative shots, gesture animations serve one purpose:
to simply portray what people do in subway trains.

After observing real life people in trains, looking at references online, and discussing within the team
I've created a collection of cycle animations that matched the subway theme.

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